Hii @opendesktop. I didnt received the payout for june month and a red exclamation mark showing in june payout section stating " We tried to send the money automatically by the Paypal-api but temporarily got an error. we will try the payout again, so please stay tuned"
And now its been days with no sign or response from opendekstop team.
Also there are no issues from Paypal Side coz yesterday only i recieved international payment of 10 $ from my friend just to check if my Paypal is eligible to receive international payments.
If we tried to send you the money per automated transactions and Paypal responded by rejecting it and reporting an issue from their side, so it didnt go through, there clearly WAS an issue at the time of the payout, whatever that was.
We have all of that documented for that transaction attempt, with transaction numbers etc.
If you cleared things up AFTER the payout, there is absolute no request as we do not do manual transactions for every case that had an issue, so you like anyone else affected can only wait and see for whenever there is another automated attempt or not. Otherwise it failed and you need to look for this months payout.
Please read our Payout Terms under Terms and Conditions to understand how this works.