Designers, be careful and DO NOT use the Flaticon/Freepik icons!


I saw Droid Icon Theme, in the which the deisgner said he used some icons from Freepik.

It is dangerous to use the icons from Flaticon/Freepik!

Flaticon/Freepik is the WORST enemy of open source licence, of the open art, of Linux users. It is the BIGGEST evil!

Flaticon/Freepik is GettyImages. A photographer donated her own photos to the public library, and GettyImages stole those photos and claimed as owners of them. One day GettyImages sued this photographer for the violations of HER OWN photos the which GettyImages claimed as owners.

Flaticon/Freepik has an own licence the which is the biggest enemy of GPL and of MIT. It forbids you of redistributing, of sub-licencing or then of modifying.

Not just that, Flaticon/Freepik stole the icons of Icons8 and claimed as owners of them and was going to sue Icons8!

Flaticon/Freepik also stole the open source icons of Google and Twitter and sub-licenced to a different licence. And if you take some Google and Twitter icons from Flaticon, Freepik will sue you!


Protect yourselves from Flaticon, Freepik and GettyImages!

Shutterstock pulled off the greatest image heist in history, and a U.S court let them get away with it. Just to mention.

I think many of the designers of opendesktop (those who create their works from scratch) do not use any of those sites and those who have to visit these places is to get initial inspiration for their creations.

So that is very unlikely to affect creators of “original content”

I read Shutterstock’s biography. They deal with Getty. Argh!

But some of them use few icons and were not aware of this.

I alerted the original author of one icons theme and he removed all the icons of Flaticon and Freepik, and scratched the new icons from zero. From now, he will use only Pixabay, a site of open source art.