Change with plings


Today I opened pling stats and I got this interface and download stats dropped. What does this mean?

Hi elbullazul,

please read our announcement of how the new payout mechnism is going to work:

For this month, we still payout the unlimited “amount” column, so you have one more month for your products to get plinged.

Will the plings strategy be cumulative over time or will supporter plings be reset at one moment?

I thought the same. Looks like they will be stable because you de-pling products.

I just tested and it looks like you can only pling products you liked before. Unfortunately it looks like I can not like products any more…

For me it seems to much for now. Rating, like, pling… over engineered?? I think the likes does not make any more, if rating is public again.


WillS: Rating and likes is for everyone, like non-supporters.

As supporter, you should be able to pling any product, if you liked it or not should not matter.
You can like and pling products independent, maybe we will combine them in the future, but for now we need to test them seperate.

And yes, plings will stay cumulative and not disappear unless you un-pling them again.

Thanks @opendesktop I just tried again and it seems I can like and pling via but not on I’m on Android with latest Chrome. Cannot check on PC because we’re moving house these days… I will try to find a laptop :wink:

BTW: would be great, if you could optimise the sites for mobile next!


Hi Will,

thanks for the feedback!
We will test from Android, but generally any website part of should be the same as the main site, we will investigate.
And yes, redoing the whole UI to be much more mobile friendly is high up on our list for this year.