Can't edit a product and updated

Hello Opendesktop team…
I get the problem in this month, I can’t edited my product when I want update it and also it wan’t show in up list sections like before.
In the past i just edited (change) main files download then it can show in the uplist new update.
I get searching in the forum where i must write some like changelog, version, date etc, But my product wan’t show up in the new update sections, Please help me…what can i do more?
Sorry for my bad english anyway :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Hi Etles_Team,

do you have any example of what product you cannot edit?
As for the show up in the list sections, we followed this user suggestion:

Best regards, Opendesktop Team.

I get a point from that…Now it’s works without problem.
This is the latest my product update:

Thank you!
Best regards